Friday 27 November 2009

Still Not Feeling It (well, not that, anyway)

Don't get me wrong, the sepia toned ending was all very nice, and I enjoyed the Broken Steel add-on very much, but I still kind of felt like shrugging at the end of Fallout 3. I'm still playing, exploring the huge world Bethesda has created but that's less about the story and more about Fawkes.

As you know, I have a bit of a thing for animalistic humanoids, so from the moment he asked me to break him out of Vault 87, I knew me and Fawkes were going to get along great. And we do. He's always got my back. Whether it's fighting Deathclaws in Old Olney or Nukalurks in the Nuka Cola Factory, Fawkes is there with his gatling laser, blowing the shit out of everything and laughing like a loon. Unlike Mrs Hoity Toity useless bitch Paladin Star Cross, who constantly blundered into my line of fire then griped when I accidentally shot her in the back, Fawkes positions himself with greater care and just grunts when I accidentally catch him in the blast of a plasma grenade.

Forget saving up enough money to hire Charon. I'm so over him.
Undead Mega Douche

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