I'd read a load of internet jibberjabber about how incredibly nails Sin/Jecht are to destroy at the end of the game. One forum monkey noted that 'If you struggled to defeat Omega Weapon, you'd NEVER beat Sin!' Well, I did struggle to beat Omega, but after significant training in the Omega dungeon, and picking up the Magus Sisters and Anima, I bested him. (And was rewarded with a sniff of approval from Auron because apparently paying his voice actor to speak for another scene would just push the budget that bit too far)
So, I started getting antsy as I am wont to do and decided to have a crack at Jecht without further ado.
Jecht is a piece of piss. He may have the giantest giant sword ever to appear in FF (and that's saying a lot) but put the Magus Sisters on his ass and he breaks down like wet tissue. I forget sometimes that the majority of internet users and FF forum posters are 15yr olds who miss out on areas of gameplay like the fact that the more you fight with your Aeons the more badass they become.

Anyway, I wanted to make sure that failing to defeat all the dark aeons had no bearing on the ending (it didn't) so I did an internet search, which turned up a hilarious forum argument:
So now I have to give myself carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists playing Guitar Hero World Tour until I can afford X2. Damn you minimum wage, damn you to hell!
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